Whether you are looking for an online course or planning educational activities with your students or community, explore our educational programs and download curricula or activity guides.
Educational Programs
- Bird Academy
More than 200,000 learners have benefited from Bird Academy’s self-paced, practice-based online courses. Whether you’re looking to learn ID tips and skills, bird biology, or simply want to enrich your appreciation of nature, there’s a course for bird enthusiasts of all levels.
- K-12 Education
Our educational materials and professional development opportunities empower educators to engage youth in scientific investigations and projects, igniting a lifelong passion for nature.
Curricula and Activity Guides (Action Guides)
Download our curricula for formal and informal educators, the BirdSleuth International program which offers educator trainings and educational resources, curricula created by Latin-American organizations, and regional action guides created with our fantastic collaborators.
BirdSleuth International Curriculum
Our hope is that the BirdSleuth International curriculum will inspire you and your participants to connect with birds, nature, and conservation. The BirdSleuth International Curriculum contains hands-on educational activities about birds, habitat, participatory science, and conservation. It is divided into 10 easy-to-follow lessons. Click on the button below, answer a few questions, and download the complete curriculum with its supporting materials.
BirdSleuth International Curriculum (English Version)
Guatemalan BirdSleuth Curriculum
This is an adaptation of the BirdSleuth International Curriculum created by Guatemalan environmental educators to teach about local birds and promote habitat improvement, conservation, and participatory science in Guatemalan communities. Click on the links below to download the curriculum and its supporting educational materials.
Supporting materials:
Peruvian Amazon Action Guide
Celebrate Urban Birds (CUBs) has been working with teachers, community leaders, parents, and students of 55 communities in the Loreto region of the Peruvian Amazon to co-create an in-depth project focused on birds, culture, stewardship and participatory science.
A multi-year collaboration among BirdSleuth staff, CONAPAC (a Peruvian nonprofit organization focused on conserving the Peruvian Amazon), CUBs, and the communities, has resulted in the materials we share below for “Celebra las Aves en la Amazonía Peruana.”
Supporting materials:
Mexican Action Guide
These activities are designed to support educators in formal or informal settings who wish to teach, motivate, and inspire their community to learn about birds, express themselves creatively, and participate in participatory science and conservation. The action guide was co-authored with Mexican coordinators of the Urban Bird Program (PAU) of CONABIO.
Supporting materials:
Environmental Education Activity Manual for Ecuador (in Spanish)
This manual was made in collaboration with over 64 Ecuadorian environmental educators, both amateur and professional as well was personnel from the Lab of Ornithology. These activities are designed to support educators in formal or informal settings who wish to teach, motivate, and inspire their community to learn about birds, express themselves creatively, and participate in participatory science and conservation. The action guide was co-authored with Ecuadorian coordinators.
Supporting materials:
All regions of Ecuador:
Diagram of bird body parts with labels
Guide to birds from the Amazon
Cards of birds from the Amazon with information
Cards of birds from the Amazon without information
Costa (Coast)
Cards of coastal birds with information
Cards of coastal birds without information
Galápagos Islands
Guide to birds from the Galápagos Islands
Cards of birds from the Galápagos Islands with information
Cards of birds from the Galápagos Islands without information
Colombian Curricula and activity guides
Bird Expeditionary Guide
This fun activity guide was created to help young explorers to learn more about birds and how to watch them while discovering the joy of being close to nature.
Authoring Organizations: Expediciones BIO: Alas, Cantos y Colores, Alexander von Humboldt Institute, Natural Sciences Institute of the National University of Colombia, Grow Colombia and United Way Colombia
Contact: Nelsy Niño-Rodríguez
Elementary School Curriculum: Biodiversity Week
This curriculum includes an educator’s manual and activity sheets about birds and butterflies. Each activity meets the standards of the Colombian Department of Education for science, mathematics, art, Spanish, physical education, and more.
Authors: Natalia Sanz de Santamaria, Camila Gomez, Mateo Hernandez and Zoraya Buitrago
Contact Information:
Organizations: SELVA y OpEPA
Flying Come, Flying Go – Bird Conservation in Río Blanco and Manizales
This is an environmental education activity book for teachers in the Río Blanco region and Manizales. It contains educational activities, info cards, worksheets, and regional bird drawings, to promote awareness of local biodiversity and environmental responsibility.
Authors: Christian Devenish and Diana Arzuza Buelvas
BirdSleuth – BirdsCaribbean
Birds are incredible fascinating creatures that can also serve as a way to get children and teens involved in nature and science. The BirdSleuth BirdsCaribbean curriculum was created as part of an educational collaboration for the Caribbean between BirdSleuth Internacional and BirdsCaribbean. The goal of the curriculum is to generate interest in and awareness for birds, participatory science, and conservation. It includes various supporting materials, fun educational activities, games, and more! The curriculum and its supporting materials are available in three languages: English, French, and Spanish.