Free eBird K-2 Lesson

Engage your students in discovering what makes birds unique with your free eBird K-2 lesson!

Free eBird K-2 cover

What makes birds so unique? Help your students discover the unique and beautiful world of birds with your free eBird Explorers: Building Literacy Through Nature K-2 lesson download. The lesson uses four fun activities to take students on a learning adventure about birds and how they can help birds.

This lesson is a part of a full curriculum that inspires observation and curiosity about the natural world! Our full curriculum features two children’s books that encourage students to observe and describe differences in birds and habitats. Through these lessons, even the youngest children can discover what makes a bird a bird, explore similarities and differences, learn to identify common local birds, and contribute to the eBird database.

The full kit is available for purchase and you can learn more here.

Online Resources

Activity 1: Introducing Birds!

Activity 3: Meet Four Common Birds

  • You’ll use the All About Birds Online Field Guide to project the images of the House Sparrow, American Robin, American Crow, and Canada Goose. The guide also includes information on the habitat needs of each species, sounds, and videos.

Activity 4: You Can Be a Scientist