Behave Like a Bird
Birds of the Month – Red-winged Blackbird

Supporting Text: A Perfect Day for an Albatross by Caren Loebel-Fried
Engage: Dance Like an Albatross
Watch the “How to dance – ‘Tross style” video and see if you can notice the different patterns Laysan Albatrosses make during courtship displays.
Explore: Birdy Says
Click the links below to see videos of the “Birdy Says” movements.
- Pigeon Strut – Rock Pigeon
- Soaring Raptor – Red-tailed Hawk
- Penguin Waddle – King Penguin
- Hummingbird Flutter – Talamanca Hummingbird
- Step-stopping Robin – American Robin
Inquire: Backyard Bird Behaviors
- Courtship Display- Western Grebe
- Mating/ Territory- Great Sage-Grouse
- Attracting Fish for Foraging by Creating Shade- Black Heron
- Drying Wings After a Dive- Double-crested Cormorant
- Foraging- Dusky Scrubfowl