Mike Charnoky

Applications Programmer


Full Stack Software Development (focused on the back end) • Linux/Unix Enterprise Systems Design • Expert in Java • Databases and Networking

I develop software and computer infrastructure used to manage content related to the life histories of birds. This software helps to power the Birds of the World website and other projects at the Lab. I also work with other technical teams to engineer solutions that impact multimedia, eBird, and more. I love being able to apply technology to provide useful services to aid researchers, policy makers, and birders.

I’ve worked in the public transit sector developing software to let passengers know when their bus is coming, in computer security working on a network security appliance, and in digital audio building software for radio.

Mike Charnoky
Center Avian Population Studies
Projects Birds of the World
Email mc2649@cornell.edu

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library