of Presented Papers Given by KEVIN J. MCGOWAN
- McGowan, K. J., A. B. Clark, D. A. Robinson, Jr., R. Serrell, and L Patrican. Patterns
of mortality from West Nile virus in a marked population of American Crows in Ithaca,
Tompkins Co., New York, 2002-2003. American Ornithologists' Union, Quebec City, August.
- Heiss, R., K. Ulion, A. B. Clark, K. J. McGowan, and C. Caffrey. Mouth color and tail
shape as an indicator of age in American Crows. American Ornithologists' Union, Quebec
City, August.
- Robinson, D. A., Jr., M. C. Chin, A. B. Clark, and K. J. McGowan. Mouth color correlates
in nestling American Crows. American Ornithologists' Union, Quebec City, August.
- Clark, A. B., K. J. McGowan, C. Caffrey, and D. A. Robinson, Jr. Familial care-giving in
American Crows. Animal Behavior Society, Oaxaca, Mexico, July.
- Robinson, D. A., Jr., M. C. Chin, A. B. Clark, and K. J. McGowan. Determinants of mouth
color in nestling American Crows. Animal Behavior Society, Oaxaca, Mexico, July.
- Clark, A. B., K. J. McGowan,, D. A. Robinson, Jr., and R. Serrell. Patterns of mortality
from West Nile virus in a marked population of American Crows in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., New
York, 2002-2003. Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society,
Ithaca, NY, April.
- Heiss, R., K. Ulion, A. B. Clark, and K. J. McGowan. Mouth color and tail shape as an
indicator of age in American Crows. Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson
Ornithological Society, Ithaca, NY, April. [Winner of the Lynds
Jones Prize for the best student poster.]
- McGowan, K. J., A. B. Clark, D. A. Robinson, Jr., and C. Caffrey. Familial care-giving
in American Crows. Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society,
Ithaca, NY, April.
- Robinson, D. A., Jr., M. C. Chin, A. B. Clark, and K. J. McGowan. Determinants of mouth
color in nestling American Crows. Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson
Ornithological Society, Ithaca, NY, April.
- Hochachka, W. M., D. N. Bonter, K. J. McGowan, and A. A. Dhondt. Assessing the spatial
extent and impact of West Nile virus outbreaks with winter bird monitoring data. American
Ornithologists' Union, Champaign-Urbana, IL, August.
- McGowan, K. J., A. B. Clark, D. A. Robinson, Jr., C. Caffrey, T. J. Weston, and S. C. R.
Smith. The impact of West Nile virus on American Crow populations. American
Ornithologists' Union, Champaign-Urbana, IL, August.
- Weinstein, T. A. R., and K. J. McGowan. Age and seasonal differences in the social
interactions of American crows in the foraging flock. Animal Behavior Society, Boise, ID,
- McGowan, K. J., A. B. Clark, J. Senecal, R. Curtis, and D. A. Robinson, Jr. Roost
location patterns and roost characteristics of young American Crows. North American
Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA, September.
- Clark, A. B., K. J. McGowan, J. Senecal, R. Curtis, and D. A. Robinson, Jr. Roost
location patterns and roost characteristics of young American Crows. Animal Behavior
Society, Bloomington, IN, July.
- K. J. McGowan and J. W. McGowan. American Crow group size as an indication of social
behavior in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. American Ornithologists' Union, Seattle, WA,
- H. Snyder, K. J. McGowan, J. Clougherty, and R. S. Hames.Nest site selection of suburban
American Crows. American Ornithologists' Union, Seattle, WA, August.
- T. A. Weinstein and K. J. McGowan. The behavior of American Crows in the flock in
winter. American Ornithologists' Union, St. John's, Newfoundland, August.
- J. M. Marzluff, R. L. Knight, K. J. McGowan, C. Caffrey, and R. E. Donnelly. Causes and consequences of expanding American Crow populations in urban
environments. American Ornithologists' Union, Ithaca, NY, August.
- McGowan, K. J., J. M. Marzluff, and R. Bowman. Synthesis,
opportunities and future directions. American
Ornithologists' Union, Ithaca, NY, August.
- J. M. Marzluff, R. L. Knight, K. J. McGowan, C. Caffrey, and R. E. Donnelly. Causes and
consequences of expanding American Crow populations in urban environments. . Cooper
Ornithological Society Meeting, Portland, OR, March.
- McGowan, K.J. An Ithaca murder mystery: what's going on in those crow
flocks anyway? 20th Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY, January.
- D. McClearn & K.J. McGowan. Canopy access for research. 9th
International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, Ithaca, NY, October.
- McGowan, K.J. Land of opportunity or uban blight: are cities
opportunities or traps for the American Crow? 19th Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, January.
- McGowan, K.J. Natural history of crows. Invited paper, New
York State Wildlife Rehabilitation Council 14th Annual Wildlife Seminar, Haines Falls, NY,
- McGowan, K.J. Fecal sac consumption in nesting corvids: do parents eat
feces because they want to, or because they have to? Fifth International Behavioral
Ecology Congress, Nottingham, UK, August.
- McGowan, K.J. Fecal sac ingestion in nesting corvids: do parents eat poop
because they want to, or because they have to? American Ornithologists' Union, Fairbanks,
AK, June.
- McGowan, K.J. Fecal sac ingestion in nesting corvids: do parents eat poop
because they want to, or because they have to? 17th Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, January.
- Hailman, J.P., K.J. McGowan, & G.E. Woolfenden. The role of helpers
in the sentinel behavior of Florida Scrub Jays. Joint meeting of the Wilson Ornithological
Society and the Florida Ornithological Society, Kissimmee, FL, April.
- McGowan, K.J. Interesting things about the most interesting of birds:
crow biology in Ithaca, New York. 15th Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Symposium,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, January.
- McGowan, K.J. Vigilance and group size in the American Crow. American
Ornithologists' Union, Los Angeles, California, June.
- McGowan, K.J., & M.C. Witmer. Natural history collections and
wildlife rehabilitators: why they should know each other. 1990 National Wildlife
Rehabilitation Association Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, March.
- McGowan, K.J. Group size and vigilance in the American Crow. 14th Ecology
& Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, January.
- McGowan, K.J. The provisioning of fledgling Florida Scrub Jays. American
Ornithologists' Union, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August.
- McGowan, K.J. The provisioning of fledgling Florida Scrub Jays. 13th
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, January.
- McGowan, K.J. Florida Scrub Jay helper contributions to sentinel
behavior. American Ornithologists' Union, Fayetteville, Arkansas, August.
- McGowan, K.J. The development of sentinel behavior in young Florida Scrub
Jays. American Ornithologists' Union, San Francisco, California, August.
- McGowan, K.J. Individual contributions to the group in the Florida Scrub
Jay. XIX International Ornithological Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, June.
- Fitzpatrick, J.W., G.E. Woolfenden, & K.J. McGowan. Sources of
lifetime fitness of Florida Scrub Jays. XIX International Ornithological Congress, Ottawa,
Ontario, June.
- McGowan, K.J., & G.E. Woolfenden. The survivorship of young Florida
Scrub Jays from fledging to independence. American Ornithologists' Union, Tempe, Arizona,
- Hailman, J.P., K.J. McGowan, & G.E. Woolfenden. Sentinel behavior of
the Florida Scrub Jay: Do helpers hinder? American Ornithologists' Union, Tempe, Arizona,
- McGowan, K.J. Beyond many eyes: a sentinel system in the Florida Scrub
Jay (Aphelocoma c. coerulescens). Animal Behavior Society, Raleigh, North Carolina,
- Hailman, J.P., K.J. McGowan, & G.E. Woolfenden. Sentinel behavior of
the Florida Scrub Jay: Do helpers hinder? Animal Behavior Society, Raleigh, North
Carolina, June.
- McGowan, K.J. Another way of helping: Sentinel behavior in Scrub Jays.
Florida Ornithological Society, West Palm Beach, Florida, October.
- McGowan, K.J. The sentinel system of the Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma
c. coerulescens). American Ornithologists' Union, Lawrence, Kansas, August.
- McGowan, K.J. Fledgling care in the Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma c.
coerulescens). American Ornithologists' Union, New York, New York, September.
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